Audition Notice Blackberry Trout Face
Wednesday 11th January at 8pm and auditions are open to anyone in school year 10 and above.
NK Taster Week
We will be running a taster week at the beginning of January where we invite non-members to take part in the classes they are interested in and see exactly how they run first hand.
My Fair Lady Open Audition
We will be holding an open audition on Sunday 4th December at 1pm. Click the article for more information.
Bouncers & Shakers Open Audition
We will be holding an open audition on Tuesday 6th December at 8pm for this fantastic comedy. (Performance Date 1st-3rd February)
NK Theatre Arts A.G.M.
NK Theatre Arts will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 9th November at 7pm. Anyone connected with the company is welcome to attend as we reflect on our Year Ending 31st August 2021.
We Are Hiring
We are looking to employ a Full time Site and Technical Manager to handle the event preparation, general maintenance and Health and Safety at The Forum Theatre.