
NK Theatre Arts Drama Workshops are open to children and young people aged 5-16yrs and will see members placed in a tutor group of a similar age for drama sessions and will work within that group until the end of the summer term. Members will learn all the various drama techniques such as improvisation, script work, role-play, confidence building, empathy for others and performance skills.

Within our junior workshops children will learn to develop their personalities, build confidence, learn social skills, and much more. They will discover the fundamental basics in performing arts, whilst having lots of fun, using their imagination, being creative and spending quality time with friends.
These workshops will focus more on honing the drama skills our members have previously developed. During these weekly sessions they will gain an in-depth understanding of drama and performance and explore different genres. They will learn how to use drama as an outlet for their own emotions and how to use their own experience within the creative process. They will learn to be self critical, and to critique others in order to improve.
Whether they have a desire to pursue a career in the arts or whether this is simply an enjoyable hobby and way to socialise, all our senior members will be encouraged to give their all, they will be pushed out of their comfort zone and will learn to be the best that they can be. finding new passions, learning new skills, and enjoying themselves at the same time.
All our weekly sessions will be based on many different themes and topics and will include a wide variety of activities for the children to enjoy. Each term will have aims and objectives – including both performance techniques and social skills – that we will be encouraging our members to achieve throughout the workshops. Each terms objectives will build on what they have previously learned and each year will be more advanced than the last to create layers of skills that they will be confident to use, not just in the theatre but in the wider world.

Drama 1 Reception – Y2 17:30 – 18:30 Main Entrance
Drama 2 Y3 – Y5 17:30 – 18:30 Main Entrance
Drama 3 Y6 – Y8 19:30 – 20:30 Main Entrance
Drama 4 Y9 – Y11 19:30 – 20:30 Main Entrance
Performance Class Y12 + 20:30 – 22:00 Main Entrance

To enquire about current availability to join our drama classes please email Dawn@nkta.co.uk


We promise to help you realise skills you did not know you had whilst improving those you have already developed, not only as a performer but also provide you with life skills you will never forget..

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